Swedish Massage

Relaxing Swedish massage is not just one of the most popular massage techniques, but also an excellent diagnostic method. Swedish massage helps to get rid of various ailments of the musculoskeletal system, as well as problems with internal organs. Unlike drug therapy, massage therapy is a safe way to eliminate the effects of injuries.

Swedish massage improves the flexibility and mobility of the joints, reduces swelling, relieves muscle spasms and fatigue, stimulates blood circulation. It also helps to accelerate the healing of injuries, increase muscle strength, and sooth the nervous system after stress. Other positive effects are warming and stretching of the connective tissues, bringing the skin into a tone, relieving the symptoms of asthma, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, removing acute pain, and migraines occur.

Location 30 mins 60 mins 90 mins 120 mins
20 KM travel* $60 $105 $155 $205
30 KM travel* - $130 $180 $230


* Discounted prices available for multiple clients at the same location.

**Mobile Massage Services are available within a 0-20 Km & 30 Km Radius of Mount Gravatt and Camira. The rate shown on the website when you book is the 0-20 Km Rate (See full rates below).

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